...to Zenzero's picture blog. Join Zenzero (aka Gingy) as he travels the globe and takes photos with all the world's attractions (or as many as possible).
All photos are authentic and the only Photoshop we might use is to adjust the lighting/colours or remove a finger or two.
You can follow Zenzero on this blog, via RSS, on Twitter, or even on Facebook!
alternate names
English: Gingerbreadman Italian: Pan Di Zenzero Polish: Ciasteczko Spanish: Hombrecito de pan de jengibre or El Hombre de Jengibre French: Bonhomme en pain d'épice or Tibiscuit Russian: Колобок
Wahey! Zenero decided to go to the largest reclaimed country in the world, Holland. Specifically the capital city of Amsterdam. Obviously as a guest in the country he had to abide by the local traditions. The first stop was obviously a coffee shop, the effects of which are evident in the way most of the photos are blurred later on. Zenzero then visited one of the many chanals of Amsterdam and the traditional skinny home facades. Nothing could finish off the trip like a Dutch Bulldog energy drink by the water.
aaaah! nice to see zenzero back! his twin is lost, but i sent a rescue team to find him!
Hi Zenzero, I think you have a suntan. Good for you. I always read about the places that you visit. good luck with your globetrotting!
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