
welcome... Zenzero's picture blog. Join Zenzero (aka Gingy) as he travels the globe and takes photos with all the world's attractions (or as many as possible).

All photos are authentic and the only Photoshop we might use is to adjust the lighting/colours or remove a finger or two.

You can follow Zenzero on this blog, via RSS, on Twitter, or even on Facebook!

alternate names

English: Gingerbreadman
Italian: Pan Di Zenzero
Polish: Ciasteczko
Spanish: Hombrecito de pan de jengibre
or El Hombre de Jengibre
French: Bonhomme en pain d'épice
or Tibiscuit
Russian: Колобок
Romanian: Prăjitură

Zenzero gets interviewed in The Sunday Times of Malta

Today is a very important day for Zenzero. His travels have started to receive so much recognition, that the Sunday Times of Malta found it fit to carry out an interview with him about his travels and his paranoia of being nibbled on. The article "Travelling in good taste" is a full page spread none the less! If you can pick up a copy, make sure you do! To the right is a high res scan of the page. To see a photo of the interview in print click here. Being published in the "Travel Leisure and Food" section of the The Sunday Times on 25th July 2010, also proved to be the blog's busiest day, with hundreds of hits. Thank you everybody!

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