
welcome... Zenzero's picture blog. Join Zenzero (aka Gingy) as he travels the globe and takes photos with all the world's attractions (or as many as possible).

All photos are authentic and the only Photoshop we might use is to adjust the lighting/colours or remove a finger or two.

You can follow Zenzero on this blog, via RSS, on Twitter, or even on Facebook!

alternate names

English: Gingerbreadman
Italian: Pan Di Zenzero
Polish: Ciasteczko
Spanish: Hombrecito de pan de jengibre
or El Hombre de Jengibre
French: Bonhomme en pain d'épice
or Tibiscuit
Russian: Колобок
Romanian: Prăjitură

Visiting the swell Park Güell

This post is part of the "An Españially detailed revisit of Barça" series. 

Park Güell was originally designed to be a housing project but was commercially unsuccessful. But this 100 year old garden complex has become a successful tourist attraction, so much so that not only is it a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but Zenzero also so fit to visit the it. He was warmly welcomed to Gaudi's gem by the iconic Dragon, and by the several baskers around. 

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